This year we are offering Winter Wonderland pre-booked events in February for groups of 12 or more people. Book your event by contacting Stacie at [email protected].
Snowshoeing at Duntroon Highlands offers breathtaking views from high up on the Niagara Escarpment, with 15km of marked gently rolling trails that wind through wide open spaces and hardwood forests.
- Horizon Hike
If you’re looking for some incredible views of South Georgian Bay and the Nottawasaga Valley below, this trail has what you’re looking for. The trail heads out to the edge of the ‘front 9’ and then follows a tree line past some ponds and streams before heading up an old roadway before getting to the highest point of the trail. Stop to take a break at the picnic tables, maybe even bring some snacks, before heading back down along a switchback and a straightaway to the Clubhouse. - Waterfall Trail
This fun trail is great for all levels of snowshoers. The trail winds past the scenic Rockside waterfall, then meanders along a burbling brook into a rich ceder forest before heading out into the wind protected ‘back 9’ area. The trail meanders among tall rows of trees before taking a hidden, wooded trail back to the start of the Waterfall Trail. - The Maze
This trail can be accessed either from the Waterfall Trail or directly via a trail heading south from the Clubhouse. It winds through some big open spaces before heading up a switchback to the top of the escarpment. Here it dives into a hardwood forest full of trails that zigzag among the trees and rocks before circling back to the top of switchback. At this point, snowshoers can connect with the Horizon Hike trail or wind down switchback and a straightaway to the Clubhouse. - Upper Trails
Head up via The Horizon Hike or The Maze to access more than 5km of additional trails through amazing Niagara Escarpment woodlands. Short trails such as Narnia, Log Roll and Skyway are all part of these fun trails. - Escarpment Loop
This gently rolling trail gives the snowshoer a great varied experience, with flowing trails along the edge of the golf course, leading to the edge of the Niagara Escarpment. The trees, rocks and streams that are the hallmark of the escarpment are right beside the trail. A great view from the 18th tee is the high point, with options to continue exploring The Maze and Horizon Hike from this point.